A Curious Mind W(o/a)nders

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Extreme view

Most people work so that they can lead a good life outside of work.
It it were in my power, I'd ensure that such people remained unemployed forever.

If your work doesn't obsess you, don't work..starve and die and decrease the burden on this planet.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Living Masks

What’s the point of tears,
If there’s no remorse in the heart;

What’s the point of a smile,
If there’s no joy in the heart;

What’s the use of a thanks,
If there’s no gratitude in the heart;

Just what is the use of bravado,
If there’s no real courage in the heart...

Such hollow masks people adopt to live in this world…

What’s the point of living,
If you are dead in the heart…

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Life as an instrument of defiance

Have you ever felt the urge of using life as an instrument of defiance…instrument to defy god, defy inevitability.

Whenever in the dumps, conventional wisdom dictates that we blame ourselves, learn from mistakes, adapt and move on…that’s what clever people tell you to do, right?
But what if you are sure you are right?

An arbitrage bet might fail under two scenarios:
Scenario 1: You bet it wrong, i.e. you just did not understand the arbitrage opportunity right.
Scenario 2: You figured it out perfectly, yet ran out of liquidity before the arbitrage bet could work out.

Very often, like in real financial markets, in life too you are dependent on external sources for liquidity…that’s the nature of living, right?

It is in scenario 2 that the urge arises…urge to use life as an instrument of defiance.

We, in our submissive meekness, rarely recognize Scenario 2…the tragedy of being human I guess…

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What Can I Do?

You shield me from hurt and pain,
By taking it all on yourself;
How, just how can I stay oblivious…

You suffer today,
So that I might not suffer tomorrow;
How, just how can I stay oblivious…

Just how can I walk on unmindful…
Just how can I walk on unconcerned…

Yet what can I do except entreat…
To allow me a share of your woes,
Use of my shoulders to lessen your burden…

As your friend, as somebody who truly cares,
As your fellow-traveller.